This is an archive of the UK Shapenote site from 11th January 2020

 United Kingdom Sacred Harp & Shapenote Singing
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Seacourt Hall, Botley, Oxford
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Botley W I
Village Hall





The Twentfirst Annual
xford Sacred Harp All Day Singing
Botley Women's Institute Hall
Saturday, 22 June 2019

The twenty first Oxford All-Day Singing was held on Saturday before the fourth Sunday in June.  Chairman Sheila Girling Macadam called the class to order at 10:00 am leading 34b, and Mary Welch offered the opening prayer.  The following officers were elected or appointed to serve: Chairman--Sheila Girling Macadam; Vice-Chairman--Edwin Macadam; Treasurer--Werner Ullah;  Secretaries--Mary Welch and Rebecca Over; Arranging Committee--Catherine Roberts and Nigel Bowley; Pitchers--Rachel Jordan, Andrew Clark, Matthew Parkinson and Toby Goss; Chaplains--Mary Welch, Andrew Clark, Toby Goss, Caroline Ungoed-Thomas.


Toby Goss 50b; Mandy Townsend 52t; Edwin Macadam 48t; Rachel Jordan 492; Werner Ullah 49b; Catherine Roberts 76b; Andrew Clark 73b; Nick Hall 99; Rebecca Over 234; George Simms 28b; Steven Welch 147b; Jenny Pett 452; Seth Dickens 163b; Alec Williams 105; Grace Scrimgeour 216; Derek Buckland 49t; Robin Bisson 63.


Nigel Bowley brought the class back to order leading 39t. Leaders: Brenda Harvey 29t; Leilai Immel-Parkinson 30t; Steve Biggs and Sam Bickerseth 276; Johannes Sauer 294; Neil Horlock 267; Matthew Parkinson 160b; Hyke Sakaras 551; Machna Nowak 59; Arthur Swindells 157; Mandy Townsend 302; Catherine Roberts 340; Derek Buckland 274b; Sheila Girling Macadam 442; Toby Goss 472; George Simms 269; Grace Scrimgeour 33b; Teresa Maguire 284; Werner Ullah 448b; Jenny Pett 289; Edwin Macadam 192.


Seth Dickens brought the class back to order leading 122. Leaders: Richard Percival 287; Rebecca Over 562; Rachel Jordan 353; Robin Bisson 564; Nigel Bowley 565; Catherine Roberts 501.

In the Sick and Housebound Lesson, Andrew Clark spoke of the importance of listening, and how we should consider clearing away some of the psychological furniture in the houses of our own minds in order to understand the problems of others. Whilst Andrew led 68b, we held the following in our thoughts: Charlene Wallace (GA, USA), Velton Chafin and Ottis Sides (both AL, USA), Stephen Marini (MA, US), Maddy O’Brien (Eastbourne), Rosemary Cooper (Catsfield), David Collins (London), Pat Economides (Coventry), and Peter Grant (Banbury).

Toby Goss conducted the Memorial Lesson, reflecting how since 2014 he had entered on the Sick and Housebound List at every singing he had attended the name of a long-hospitalised individual from his village, someone he had never known. He shared with us the catharsis of moving her name to the Memorial List in 2018. Toby led 390 as we remembered the following: Willdean Barton, Mike Jones and Eugene Forbes (all of AL, USA), Rodney Ellsworth Willard and Barbara Ruth Hastings Willard (both of AZ, USA), Marlene Spector Levine and Richard Levine (both of NJ, USA), Doug Webb (TX, USA), Karl Walbrecht (VA, USA), Roberto Cavallar (Trento, Italy), William Girling (Toronto, Canada), Gregor Bosch (Berlin, Germany), Maureen Carty (Dublin, Ireland), Ann Bachelor, Trevor Botting, Jackie Bishop (all of Lewes), John Marsh (Weeley), Michael Ridge, Steve Bird and Karen Bitu (all of London), Dennis Lingwood (Wedbury), Heather Simms and Susan Carr (Leeds), Bob Patten (Morchard Bishop), Michael Black (Oxford), Ian Clark (Brixham), Matthew Talbot (Birmingham) and Roger Bullen (Cropredy). The Memorial lesson was closed with prayer by Andrew Clark.

The class resumed singing with Teresa Maguire leading 72b. Leaders: Alec Williams 178; Brenda Harvey 159; Machna Nowak 504; Nick Hall 441. Caroline Ungoed-Thomas offered thanks for the midday meal.


The afternoon session commenced with Nigel Bowley leading 52b. Leaders: Arthur Swindells 314; Steve Welch 569t; Toby Goss 339; Alec Williams 473; Mandy Townsend 203; George Simms 342; Johannes Sauer 344; Rebecca Over 540; Edwin Macadam 532; Matthew Parkinson 193; Rachel Jordan 522; Andrew Clark 270; Sheila Girling Macadam 454 (for Bernard Collard); Robin Bisson 377; Nick Hall 455; Arthur Swindells 505; Leilai Immel-Parkinson 392; Richard Percival 38b; Neil Horlock 324; Hyke Sakaras 107. Sheila Girling Macadam and Edwin Macadam led 53 to mark twenty years of Sacred Harp singing in Oxford, after which a celebratory cake was consumed.


The final session commenced with Werner Ullah leading 503. Leaders: Derek Buckland 58; Jenny Pett 266; Johannes Sauer 36b; Steve Welch 40; Leilai Immel-Parkinson 312b; Seth Dickens 410t; Teresa Maguire 42; Matthew Parkinson 177; Brenda Harvey 133; Grace Scrimgeour 547; Andrew Clark 318.

The Secretaries reported 50 singers had registered from the UK, and Germany, and 88 songs had been led by 30 leaders. The Treasurer reported all the day's expenses had been met. Announcements of forthcoming singings were made. Sheila Girling Macadam and Edwin Macadam thanked all the officers, committees and anyone who helped in any way to make this singing a success. It was agreed the 22nd Oxford All-Day Singing should be held at the Botley Women’s Institute Hall on Saturday 27 June 2020.                                                                                                                   

Sheila Girling Macadam and Edwin Macadam led 347 as the closing song. Andrew Clark offered the closing prayer, after which the class was dismissed.

Chairman--Sheila Girling Macadam; Vice-Chairman--Edwin Macadam; Treasurer--Werner Ullah; Secretaries--Mary Welch and Rebecca Over.




This Web Site has been set up for the United Kingdom Sacred Harp and Shapenote Community in order to provide a resource centre for singing in the United Kingdom.  Any correspondence, helpful suggestions and contributions as to content, amendments, additions and new web links should be sent to      Contents of this website © 1998-2019 Edwin and Sheila Macadam, Oxford, United Kingdom.