This is an archive of the UK Shapenote site from 11th January 2020




 United Kingdom Sacred Harp & Shapenote Singing

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Twenty Second Palm Sunday Singing Day
Cumnor Village Hall
Sunday, 20th March 2016

The chairperson, Mandy Townsend, called the class to order at 10.30a.m. and welcomed everyone to the 22nd  Palm Sunday singing day. She led the first song, 34b and then called upon Richard Percival to give the opening prayer.  Leaders: Edwin Macadam 46; Toby Goss 73b; Sheila Girling Macadam 535; Barry Parsons 31b; Rachel Jordan 492; Steve Welch 147b; Sarah West 201; Nick Hall 162; Rebecca Over 317; Richard Percival 479; Kate Kirwan 30t; Michael Walker 150; Bob Lilley 163b; Steve Fletcher 173; Michael Bloom 178; Mandy Townsend 480; Edwin Macadam 464; Toby Goss 189; Barry Parsons 177.


Sheila Girling Macadam called the class back to order leading song on page 63. Leaders: Nick Hall 546; Sarah West 495; Richard Percival 481; Kate Kirwan 391; Steve Welch 489; Rachel Jordan 352;83; Rebecca Over 355; Steve Fletcher 504; Bob Lilley 496; Michael Bloom 299; Mandy Townsend 278[ Edwin Macadam 444; Toby Goss 107; Sheila  Girling Macadam 362; Barry Parsons 279; Rachel Jordon 351; Steve Welch 569t; Kate Lirwan 441; Nick Hall 538; Sarah West 151; Rebecca Over 377; Richard Percival 287; Michael Walker 447; Dilwyn Scott 40. Richard Percival offered the lunchtime prayer.

Lunch recess

Mandy Townsend called the class to order by leading song on page 318. Leaders: Michael Bloom 49t; Dave Townsend 434; Steve Fletcher 212; Bob Lilley 44; Edwin Macadam 217; Michael Walker 292; Barry Parsons 302; Sheila Girling Macadam 330b.

The combined Memorial and Sick and Housebound Lessons were led by Steve Fletcher. The names on the memorial list were read out as listed: Margaret Owen of Eynsham; C. W. Garner of Georgia, USA; George Garner of Georgia, USA; Robert Dupree of Alabama, USA; Stephen Briscoe of Sheffield; June Howieson of Hove; George Reed of Bedford; Michael Spittal of Highgate, London; Sir Peter Maxwell Davies of Orkney; Brian Trowell of Oxford; Irene Smith of London; Gillian Woodward of London; Oliver Kindig-Stokes of Pennsylvania, USA; Dan Adams of Connecticut, USA; Norma Stevens of Lacock; Norma Mears of Abingdon and Chris Swayne of Stevenage.

The names of the Sick and Housebound were read out as listed: Leo Stephens – a great supporter of the Palm Sunday sing whose wife has recently died; Jackie Saunders of Eynsham; Rose Green of Eynsham; Brian Mitchell of Witney; Earlis McGraw of Georgia, USA; Jeanette DePoy of Georgia, USA; David Clark of Chesterfield; Ian West of Shropshire; Reginald Brett of Sunningdale, Berkshire; Basil Crowley of Radley; Sofi Mogensen of High Wycombe; Paula Mogensen of Billericay; Janelle Davis of Chicago, USA; Steve Brett of Bristol; B. M. Smith of Georgia, USA; Cheryl Cook of Bradford-on-avon; Liam Robinson of Lincoln.

The names on the celebratory lesson were read as out listed: Marion Shephard – friend of Toby Goss – has her birthday today.

Steve Fletcher gave an address on the input of Bernard Collard to the Palm Sunday singings and read from one of his talks, then led the song on page 384 in his honour.

The class resumed with Rachel Jordan leading song on page 65.

Leaders: Toby Goss 313b; Sarah West 123t; Nick Hall 532; Kate Kirwan 315; Steve Welch 467; Rebecca Over 197; Richard Percival 210.


The class resumed with Steve Fletcher leading song on page 472. Leaders: Dave Townsend 148; Sheila Girling Macadam 564; Bob Lilley 365; Michael Bloom 45t; Mandy Townsend 192; Rachel Jordan 193; Dave Townsend 186. Mandy Townsend gave thanks to all those who had helped during the day and invited announcements of coming singings. A total of 73 items were led during the singing day by 18 leaders. Richard Percival offered the closing prayer before Dave and Mandy Townsend closed the singing by leading song 323t.

Chairperson: Mandy Townsend
Chaplain: Richard Percival
Lessons co-ordinator: Steve Fletcher
Arranging committee: Sheila Girling Macadam
Pitchers: Rachel Jordan, Michael Walker
Secretary: Mary Welch
Finance officer: Mandy Townsend
Organiser: Kathy Percival and Dave Townsend, with the help of many volunteers


This Web Site has been set up for the United Kingdom Sacred Harp and Shapenote Community in order to provide a resource centre for singing in the United Kingdom.  Any correspondence, helpful suggestions and contributions as to content, amendments, additions and new web links should be sent to      Contents of this website © 1998-2019 Edwin and Sheila Macadam, Oxford, United Kingdom.