This is an archive of the UK Shapenote site from 11th January 2020




 United Kingdom Sacred Harp & Shapenote Singing

Front row altosFront row treblesHugh McGraw with the tenor line at DerbySophie MacDougall at Letchworth 2004Front row tenorsFront row basses and altos

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Finstock Vilage Hall
Finstock and Cumnor Minutes


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Second Palm Sunday Singing Day
Finstock Village Hall
Sunday, 31st March 1996

NH – Northern Harmony, 3rd ed. 1995

Bernard Collard welcomed the class and opened the singing with 34b. Leaders: Caroline Humphreys 212; David Atkin 31t; Steve Fletcher 47t; Mandy Townsend 47b; Joan Ross NH 124; Simon Chadwick 454; Bob Lilley 230; Simon Chadwick NH 186; Bernard Collard NH 168; Caroline Humphreys NH 166; David Atkin NH 40; Steve Fletcher 159.


Bernard Collard conducted the Memorial Lesson and led Relief by Bruce Randall for: Chris Whiting, Jean Passmore, Ben Sinclair-Wilson, Sam Thomas and Belinda Lodge.

Leaders: Mandy Townsend NH 148; Joan Ross NH 22; David Atkin (for Jean Barton) NH 150; Simon Chadwick 178; Bernard Collard 454; Simon Chadwick NH 204; Bob Lilley NH 104. The singing concluded with Bernard Collard leading NH 66.

 Compiled from records kept by Bernard Collard.


This Web Site has been set up for the United Kingdom Sacred Harp and Shapenote Community in order to provide a resource centre for singing in the United Kingdom.  Any correspondence, helpful suggestions and contributions as to content, amendments, additions and new web links should be sent to      Contents of this website © 1998-2019 Edwin and Sheila Macadam, Oxford, United Kingdom.