This is an archive of the UK Shapenote site from 11th January 2020




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Convention History

United Kingdom Minutes


Photos: Edwin Macadam


United Kingdom Shape Note Convention

Beeston Youth and Community Centre
Beeston, Nottingham, UK

12th and 13th September 1998

Saturday 12th September

Two books were used: The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition, and Northern Harmony, 3rd Edition (indicated by NH). Matt Wojcik, of Boston, Massachusetts, held a 10 a.m. workshop at the Three Horseshoes for beginners and improvers, leading songs on pages 47t, 155, 56b, 209 and 148.

The Third Annual United Kingdom Shape-note Convention was held at the Youth and Community Centre, Beeston, Nottingham on Saturday before the second Saturday in September. Judy Whiting called the class to order at 10 am am leading song on page 34b. David Cooper, this year Chairman, and Helen Brown, Arranging Committee Chairman, led song on page 178.

Leaders: Bernard Collard 362; Steve Fletcher 189; Mike Hoy 503; Rachel Jordan 455; Dafydd Charles 159; Jill Thompson 146; Paul Gailiunas 217; Sheila Girling Smith 335; Duncan Vinson 133; Dave Townsend 351; Sophie McDougall 497; Edwin Macadam 150; Mandy Townsend 452b; Paul Sanderson 268; Ros Rigby 130 (NH); Stephen Biggs 127(NH); Ba Wheeler 86; Alan Weeks 100 (NH); Helen Brown 492; Ian West 84 (for David Stow); Judy Whiting 490; Dafydd Charles 118 (NH); Steve Fletcher 9 (NH); Mike Hoy 12 (NH); Rachel Jordan 155; Bernard Collard 287; Jill Thompson 198; Duncan Vinson 106; Sophie McDougall 403; Paul Gailiunas 83; Stephen Biggs 124 (NH); Mandy Townsend 300; Edwin Macadam 47; Paul Sanderson 183; Ros Rigby 117; Dave Townsend 378b; Sheila Girling Smith 474.


The workshop participants rejoined the class for the afternoon session, which was opened by Caroline Edwards leading song on page 344. Leaders: Alan Weeks 73b; Matt Wojick 203; Ba Wheeler 140 (NH); Dave Richardson 566; Rosie Setford 163b; Ken Baddley 515; Jill Thompson 31; Dave and Ruth Cooper 24 (NH); Mandy Townsend 186; Bernard Collard 66; Sophie McDougall 299; Edwin Macadam 236; Dafydd Charles 186 (NH); Stephen Biggs 288; Ros Rigby 98 (NH).


Dave Richardson called the class to order leading song on page 30t. Leaders: Rachel Jordan 163b; Paul Gailiunas 324; Clare Mee 267, Duncan Vinson 314; Sheila Girling Smith 168; Paul Sanderson 942 (NH); Dave Townsend 7; Judy Whiting 171; Mike Hoy 47t; Steve Fletcher 142; Matt Wojick 112 (NH); Caroline Edwards 48t, Ken Baddley 99; Rosie Setford 200; Alan Weeks 350; Jill Thompson 49b (for David Lee); Dave Richardson 153; Ba Wheeler 148 (NH); Dafydd Charles 176 (NH); Ian West 27; Mandy Townsend 188 (NH); Bernard Collard 454; Sophie McDougall 804 (NH); Helen Brown closed the afternoon at 5 p.m. with song on page 45t.

Sunday 13th September

Helen Brown opened the day of singing at 10 am leading song on page 171. Matt Wojcik held a workshop for all singers, leading songs 34t, 290, 358, and 196. Judy Whiting closed the workshop with

Leaders: Steve Fletcher 36b; Mike Bailey Beeston; Duncan Vinson 334; Bill Meakin and Mandy Townsend 361; Sheila Girling Smith 201; Dave Townsend 188 (NH); Rachel Jordan 206 (NH); Tony Singleton 163b.

The Memorial Lesson was opened by Paul Sanderson reading: "When we are dead, and people weep for us and grieve, let it be because we touched their lives with beauty and simplicity. Let it not be said that life was good to us, but, rather, that we were good to life." He asked us to join in remembering: Lal Waterson, Roy Horton, Jean Ratcliffe, Bob Arnold, Lorena Ledsham, Edisher Garakanidze and his wife and daughter, Florence Girling Pigott, and Ron Moore. Bernard Collard gave a reading, then led Relief for the deceased.

Paul Sanderson asked us to hold the following Sick and Housebound in our thoughts: Mel Williams, Pat Carter, Gordon Ashman, Jim Bundell, Joan Bundell, Peter Rance, Caroline Rance, Kierson Wise, June Cox, Arlie Prokop, Edisher son, Hannah Cooper, Elaine Styles, and Kate Wills. Bernard Collard gave a reading, then led us in singing song on page 86.

Paul Sanderson read the list of those asking us to celebrate with them in the joys of graduation, marriage, children and healing. Bernard Collard read celebratory words and closed the Memorial Lesson with song on page 228.


The afternoon session was called to order by Paul Sanderson leading song on page 117. Leaders: Clare Mee 184 (NH); Stephen Biggs 6 (NH); Paul Gailiunas 212; Dafydd Charles 122; Jackie Patten 107; Tony Singleton 99 (for Joanne Hoover); Ken Baddley 287; Ros Rigby 102 (NH); Mike Bailey 387; Caroline Edwards 300; Ruth Cooper 474; Duncan Vinson 122; Rosie Setford 209; John Williams 40 (NH); Matt Wojick 160 (NH); Jill Thompson 40; Tony Singleton 178; Ba Wheeler 50 (NH); Ian West 503; Steve Fletcher 86 (NH); Mike Bailey 376; Edwin Macadam 479; Ken Baddley 96; Sheila Girling Smith 147t (for Bob Parr); Ruth Cooper 276; Jackie Patten 146; Alan Weeks 176 (NH); Judy Whiting 569; Matt Wojick 134 (NH);

Notices of forthcoming singings were made.

The officers gave thanks to all who had worked so hard to make the third United Kingdom Shape Note Convention such a success, and then led song on page 143 to close the day of singing.

The class was dismissed at 4 p.m., and the assembled company withdrew for tea and cakes.

Eighty-seven people attended the Convention this year. The United States was represented by: Matt Wojcik of Boston, Massachusetts, and Duncan Vinson of Providence, Rhode Island.

Next year the Convention will be held on the second Sunday and the Saturday before in September at this same location.

Chairman - David Cooper;  Secretary - Steve Fletcher.


This Web Site has been set up for the United Kingdom Sacred Harp and Shapenote Community in order to provide a resource centre for singing in the United Kingdom.  Any correspondence, helpful suggestions and contributions as to content, amendments, additions and new web links should be sent to      Contents of this website © 1998-2019 Edwin and Sheila Macadam, Oxford, United Kingdom.