Steve Fletcher, last year chairman, led song on
page 34b. The chair was then passed to Judy Whiting, and Sheila Smith who
introduced Robin Fox from St. Paul, Minnesota. Robin Fox conducted a workshop
and led these songs: 48t, 29t, 82t, 99, 481, 503, 146, 148, 500, 300, 217, and
The convention was opened by Judy Whiting leading
song on page 178. Leaders: Sheila Girling Smith 474 (for Bruce Randall); Bernard
Collard 362b; Robin Fox 378; Steve Fletcher 142; Dafydd Charles 186 (NH); Win
Stokes and Paul Gailiunas 163t; Katie Shimizu 209 (NH); Nigel Nathan 38b; Larry
Gordon 532 (NH); Joanna Warson 117; Bill Holt 112; Pat Stonell and John Stonell
144 (NH); Stephen Biggs and Mick Verrier 124 (NH); Rachel Jordan 40; Vic Gammon
and Sheila Girling Smith 186; David Atkin 163b; Sheila Mahoney and Rachel Jordan
24 (NH); Kaiti Carpenter 504 (NH).
Leaders: Bob Parr 475; Shereen Benjamin 107; Dave
Townsend 198; Frank Kulash 66; Gillian Warson 361; Alan Creamer and Matt Wojcik
159 (NH); Mandy Townsend 192 (NH); Eric Hildebrant 480; Sophie McDougall 148 (NH);
Alan Weeks 315; Bill Meakin and Ian West 324; Dave Richardson 565b; Rosie
Setford 56b; Matt Wojcik 158 (NH); Helen Brown 143; Ruth Cooper 344; Mike Hoy
127 (NH); Patty Cuyler 334 (NH); Caroline Humphreys 155; Emily Wells 86 (NH);
Sheila Girling Smith 80 (NH). The Saturday afternoon session was closed.

Robin Fox led these songs in a workshop: 82,
"Hallelujah New" (by Roland Hutchinson), 122, 271, and 81.
The Convention Session was opened by Judy Whiting
leading song on page 84. Leaders: Sheila Girling Smith 168; Robin Fox 378b; Ken
Baddley 127 (NH); Jackie Patten 143; Mick Verrier 268 (NH); Brian Fisk 503b;
Edwin Macadam 497; Paul Sanderson 155; Ba Wheeler 86; Jill Thompson 31t; Katie
Shimizu, Larry Gordon, and Katie Shimizu 'Laurieston'; Bob Parr 22 (NH).
Leaders: Bernard Collard 49b; Rachel Jordan 206 (NH);
Alan Weeks 114 (NH) (for his mother); Ian Ferguson (NH); Ian West 154 (NH);
Dafydd Charles and Michael Bloom 76 (NH); John Stonell 134 (NH); Paul Gailiunas
10 (NH).
The Memorial Lesson was given by Bernard Collard
and Sheila Smith. Paul Sanderson led us in remembering these people: Len Verrier,
Theresa Verrier, Sid Verrier, Terry O 'Neil, Kay Chapman, Jane Bristow, Ron
Spicer, Belle Stewart, Patricia Jean Cuyler, David Arthur Williams, Dorothy May
Curtis Wheeler, Evelyn May Curtis Impey, Masako Shimizu, Evelyn Marsden, Sue
Ford, Deirdre Seymour, Diana, Princess of Wales, Dodi Fayed, Henri Paul, Rachel
Chaplin, Mother Theresa, Seamus Stewart, Ethel Pegatto, Jethro Entwistle, Alice
Entwistle, Sir Georg Solti, Jack Turney, Dot Turney, and Audrey Turner. Bernard
Collard led Relief (written by Bruce Randall in memory of Chris Whiting).
The Sick and Housebound Lesson was given by Paul
Sanderson. Bernard Collard asked us to sing for the return to health of these
people: Alicia Baddley, Helen Atkin, Florrie Fisher, Ivan Kingsley Daniels,
Gordon Ashman, Caroline Ahearn, James Ashworth, Robert Taylor, William Boaden,
and Steve Fletcher. Bernard Collard led us in singing song on page 127 (NH).
The Celebration Lesson was given by Paul
Sanderson. Bernard Collard asked us to celebrate with these people: John and
June Powell; Ian Ferguson, arrival of first grandson, Callum; Thelma Griffiths,
a daughter; Mike and Charlotte Bailey, anniversary; Sophie McDougall, complete
return to health; Sophie and Stuart McDougall, third wedding anniversary; Paul
and Diane Sanderson, the arrival of Eleanor Mary Grace; Martin and Karen Grime,
married yesterday; Stan Hislip, senior tenor of West Gallery Quire, thanks for
return to health (aged 78) after heart attack; Caroline and Tim. Bernard Collard
led us in singing song on page 130 (NH).
Leaders: Larry Gordon 383 (NH); Mike Bailey 186 (NH);
Matt Wojcik 146 (NH); Dave Townsend 87 (NH); Ruth Cooper 200; Eric Hildebrant
299; Helen Brown 352; Bill Holt 269; Mandy Townsend 138 (NH); Dave Richardson
153; Bob Parr 373; Rosie Setford 9 (NH); Sophie McDougall 34b; David Atkin 455;
Bernard Collard 66; Robin Fox 300. The convention was closed by Judy Whiting and
Sheila Girling Smith leading song on page 40.
Visitors from the United States were:
Robin Fox, St. Paul, Minnesota; Bill Holt, Watertown, Massachusetts; Bob Parr,
Arlington, Massachusetts; Eric Hilderbrant, Watertown Massachusetts; Eric
Hildebrant, Watertown, Massachusetts; Frank Kulash; and Larry Gordon.
90 people attended the convention each day.
Minutes submitted by Steve Fletcher.