The 17th annual Gwehelog All-Day
Sacred Harp singing was called to order by Leila Gamaz and Ellen
Southern leading 101t. Ellen Southern offered the opening
The following officers were appointed: Co-Chairmen—Leila Gamaz
and Ellen Southern; Secretaries—Phil Owen and Sarah West;
Arranging Committee—Sam Cole and Crispin Walker.
Leaders: Sarah West 35; Matthew Parkinson 37b; Rachel Wemyss 354t;
Crispin Walker 39t; Barry Parsons 108t; Marcos Sullivan 40; Erin
Johnson-Williams 388; Phil Owen 32b; Kate Kirwan 52t; Judy
Whiting 77b; Joe Vickers 43; Steve Brett 389; Theresa
Maguire 106; Bridget McVernon 56t; Michael Walker 134; Ed
Johnson-Williams 201; Chris Brown 108b; Kate Kirwan 61; Crispin
Walker 277; Joe Vickers 497.
Leilai Immel called the class to order leading 290. Leaders:
Steve Brett 540; Judy Whiting 466; Barry Parsons 171; Helen
Brown 208; Bridget McVernon 480; Theresa Maguire 65; Margaret
Gillanders 564; Marcos Sullivan 344; Phil Owen 203.
Bridget McVernon conducted the memorial lesson, and read the
names of the following recently deceased: Charlie Derleth,
Bernice Harvey, Tom Robinson, Eileen McDougall, Ian Whiting,
Michael Spittal, Eileen Wilson, Earlis McGraw, Oliver Kindig-Stokes,
S.T. Reed, David Smith, and Norma Stevens.
She also spoke for the following sick and housebound: Karen
Turner, Curtis Owen, Edith Owen, Johnny Lee, Delorese Lee, Norma
Green, Ruth Steggles, Jean McDougall, Sister Pippa, Ian West,
and Laura Densmore. Bridget led 390, and closed the lesson with
a prayer.
Leaders: Erin Johnson-Williams 426t; Ted Brown 179; Sarah
West 316; Ed Johnson-Williams 446; Rachel Wemyss 312b; Matthew
Parkinson 309; Joe Vickers 475. Kate Kirwan offered the blessing
for the midday meal.
The afternoon session was called to order by Crispin Walker
leading 107. Leaders: Leilai Immel 101b; Chloë Somers 159;
Michael Walker 454; Helen Brown 459; Chris Brown 426b; Leila
Gamaz 505; Margaret Gillanders 500; Ed Johnson-Williams 189; Ted
Brown 187; Judy Whiting 150; Joe Vickers 428; Erin
Johnson-Williams 502; Marcos Sullivan 350; Sarah West 296; Barry
Parsons 234; Caroline Ungoed-Thomas 274t; Bridget McVernon 183;
Phil Owen 269.
Kate Kirwan called the class to order leading 373. Leaders:
Matthew Parkinson 318; Joe Vickers 556; Judy Whiting 521; Ed
Johnson-Williams 113; Caroline Ungoed-Thomas 162; Michael
Walker 111b; Ted Brown 523; Rachel Wemyss 77t; Theresa
Maguire 348t; Margaret Gillanders 391; Steve Brett 488; Helen
Brown 138b; Chris Brown 38b; Chloë Somers 542; Crispin
Walker 455; Michael Walker 322.
Leila Gamaz and Ellen Southern led 267 as the closing song.
Matthew Parkinson offered the closing prayer, and the class was
Co-Chairmen—Leila Gamaz and Ellen Southern; Secretaries—Phil
Owen and Sarah West