This is an archive of the UK Shapenote site from 11th January 2020

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South Yorkshire

















South Yorkshire Sacred Harp Singing Day
Ninth Singing Day
Wood Lane Countryside Centre, Stannington, Sheffield
Saturday, 25 February 2012

The annual South Yorkshire Sacred Harp singing day was held at the Wood Lane Countryside Centre, Stannington on 25th February. The class was called to order by Sarah West leading 31b and Michael Walker gave the opening prayer. Leaders: Margaret Gillanders 39t; Ian West 84; Helen Brown 313t; Chris Brown 82t; Judy Whiting 171; Ted Brown 81t; Carmel Wood 270; Scott DePoy 448t; Liz Meitzler 142; Michael Walker 103; Colleen Jones 503b; Michael McGuigan 31t; Jeanette DePoy 475; Ewan Paterson 163b; Maria Wallace 274t; Joe Vickers 178; Hannah Land 384; Phil Tyler 139.


Ruth Steggles brought the class back leading 148. Leaders: Benny Ross 421; Nadine Wills 445b; Richard Percival 43; Cath Tyler and Byron Tyler 146; Jo Ellis 40; Ted Brown 391; Margaret Gillanders 564; Ian West 480; Liz Meitzler 30t; Scott DePoy 48t; Judy Whiting 354t. Michael McGuigan conducted the sick and housebound lesson, leading 68b for Violet Thomason, Cathy White, Brenda Grimshaw, Tony Parkinson, Eugene Forbes, Cath Saunt, David Daykin, Roy Payne, Charlotte Walker, Kathy Armstrong, Maureen Gamlin and Nan Elliott. Ted Brown gave the memorial lesson, leading 97 in memory of Lonnie Rogers, Stan Reeve, Peter Schoongans, Marie Ivey, Linda Champ, Barbara Crawford, Gordon Corrick, Joe Reynolds and Phillip Higgins. Hannah Land offered a prayer to close the memorial lesson. Leaders: Helen Brown 389; Chris Brown 72b; Jeanette DePoy 328; Ewan Paterson 277; Sarah West 424. Joe Vickers said grace for the midday meal.


Hannah Land began the afternoon session with 278b. Leaders: Michael Walker 41; Carmel Wood 195; Michael McGuigan 156; Colleen Jones 46; Maria Wallace 159 for Cath Saunt; Phil Tyler 428; Joe Vickers 288; Ruth Steggles 454; Nadine Wills 133; Benny Ross 299; Richard Percival 361; Cath Tyler 556; Jo Ellis 186; Margaret Gillanders 534; Scott DePoy 201; Sarah West 430; Ted Brown 546; Liz Meitzler 67; Ian West 29t; Jeanette DePoy 99; Judy Whiting 492; Helen Brown 365; Ewan Paterson 49b.


Chris Brown called the class to order leading 128. Leaders: Hannah Land 319; Carmel Wood 447; Michael Walker 434; Liz Meitzler 112; Cath Tyler 367; Ted Brown 77t; Maria Wallace 209; Phil Tyler 442; Michael McGuigan 515; Nadine Wills 339; Benny Ross 474; Ian West 501; Ruth Steggles 472; Richard Percival 168; Scott DePoy and Jeanette DePoy 318. Sarah West led 56t as the closing song and Helen Brown dismissed the class with prayer.

Chairman--Sarah West. Secretary--Margaret Gillanders


This Web Site has been set up for the United Kingdom Sacred Harp and Shapenote Community in order to provide a resource centre for singing in the United Kingdom.  Any correspondence, helpful suggestions and contributions as to content, amendments, additions and new web links should be sent to      Contents of this website © 1998-2019 Edwin and Sheila Macadam, Oxford, United Kingdom.