This is an archive of the UK Shapenote site from 11th January 2020

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Old Baptist Church, Oldham




Oldham Sacred Harp Singing Day
Old Baptist Church
Chaucer Street
Oldham OL1 1BA
Saturday, 12 February 2011

The class was called to order by Hannah Land leading the opening prayer and leading 111b.  The class were agreed that the singing school would be held later in the 1st or 2nd session to allow time for more new singers to arrive.

Leaders: Sarah West 370, Chris Brown 324, Ruth Steggles 171, Michael Walker 138b, Maria Wallace 183, Cath Tyler 460, Helen Brown 349. Richard Percival 313b, Ted Brown 49b, Ruth Steggles 198, Hannah Land 142, Cath Tyler 430, Michael Walker 210, Sarah West 498, Chris Brown 38b.


Hannah Land called the class to order and introduced Michael Walker who taught a short singing school during which the class received instruction on the history and culture of sacred harp singing, shape note system, major and minor scales, modes of time.  The following songs were led during the singing school; 101t, 162, 128, 155, 231t, 176t.  Leaders: Carmel Wood 344, Judy Whiting 182.  Hannah Land led the grace.


Carmel Wood called the class to order leading 344. Leaders:  Helen Brown 392, Anna and Connie Baldini 146, Richard Percival 365, Judy Whiting 384, Cath Tyler 250, Chris Brown 102, Hannah Land 415, Maria Wallace 212, Ted Brown 290, Michael Walker 404, Sarah West 421, Ruth Steggles 569b, Hannah Land 535, Anna Baldini 40, Carmel Wood 323.

Ted and Helen Brown conducted the memorial and sick and housebound lesson is honour of the following deceased;  Bob Meek, George Seiler, Joyce Over, Glyn Roberts, Valerie Munday, Linda Champ, Jessie, Gloria, Canon Gordon Geddies, John Victor Budd, Kathleen Dunne.  The names of the following sick and housebound were read out; Maggie Watson, Dr John Sawyer, Dwight Diller, Gary N, Lonnie Rogers, David Daykin, May Stabler, Lauren Stabler, John Culf, Debbie Culf, Kathy Armstrong, Max Werner, John Dunne, Derek Harrop, Maureen Gamlin, Daphne Causey.  Helen Brown led 426t and closed the lesson with a prayer.  Leaders:  Cath Tyler 503, Judy Whiting 475.


Helen Brown called the class back to order leading 345. Leaders:  Richard Percival 43, Chris Brown 42, Maria Wallace 445, Ted Brown 81t, Michael Walker 319, Sarah West 88t, Ruth Steggles 84, Carmel Wood 31t, Helen Brown 432, Richard Percival 163b, Maria Wallace 209, Hannah Land 203, Cath Tyler 70b, Ted Brown 225t, Chris Brown 229, Sarah West 224, Judy Whiting 72b.

Notices were given and Hannah Land led 62 as the closing song. John Hopkinson led the closing prayer.

Chair -- Hannah Land; Secretary -- Chris Brown and Judy Whiting.




This Web Site has been set up for the United Kingdom Sacred Harp and Shapenote Community in order to provide a resource centre for singing in the United Kingdom.  Any correspondence, helpful suggestions and contributions as to content, amendments, additions and new web links should be sent to      Contents of this website © 1998-2019 Edwin and Sheila Macadam, Oxford, United Kingdom.