The Class was called to order by Benny Ross who welcomed the
class and led 31b. He then taught a short singing school, which
concluded with the singing of 47t. Benny invited Sally
Greaves-Lord to offer the opening prayer. Leaders: Paul
Gailiunas 344, 31t; Phil Tyler 40, 29b; Fynn Titford-Mock 556,
178; Harry Campbell 49b, 335.
Anna Baldini called the Class back with 146. Leaders: Anna
Baldini 299; Sally Greaves-Lord 171, 34b; Helen Barber 276;
Hannah Land 48t, 228; Benny Ross 105, 106; Paul Gailiunas 107,
163b; Phil Tyler 300, 448b; Fynn Titford-Mock 430, 365; Harry
Campbell 415, 163t; Anna Baldini 217, 159; Sally Greaves-Lord
270, 26; Hannah Land 273, 330b. Lin James gave thanks for the
midday meal.
Benny Ross called the Class to order with 313b. Leaders: Benny
Ross 352; Sarah Hill 36b, 37b; Paul Gailiunas 66, 383; Phil
Tyler 569b, 99. Fynn Titford-Mock distributed and led his song
Hauxley, then led 454. Leaders: Harry Campbell 33b, 117; Anna
Baldini 186, 86.
Lin James conducted the Memorial Lesson and led 131b for Simon
Windsor, Maddy Hobson, Gerda Lawrence and Linda Jackson. Sally
Greaves-Lord spoke for the sick and housebound and led 216 for
Dwight Diller, Cath Tyler, Sharon Langridge, Anne Milne and
David Daykin. Leaders: Sally Greaves-Lord 481; Hannah Land 384,
472; Benny Ross 417, 28t.
Sarah Hill called the class back with 200. Leaders: Sarah Hill
569t; Paul Gailiunas 538, 189; Phil Tyler 445b, 229; Fynn
Titford-Mock 547, 566; Harry Campbell 77t, 121; Sally
Greaves-Lord 385t, 45t; Hannah Land 183, 448t; Benny Ross 350.
Announcements were made and thanks extended to all those who had
helped during the day. A total of 69 items were led during the
singing day by 11 leaders. Hannah Land led the closing song 62
and said a closing prayer. The class was dismissed.
Chair--Benny Ross; Secretary--Colin Monson |