third Thanksgiving Singing Day was held in the Village Hall of Jordans, the
Quaker Village, and burial place of William Penn. The class was called to order
by Sheila Girling Macadam leading 34b and David Chantler offered the opening
Leaders: Nick Hall
28b; Tony Singleton
128; Jacqui Selby-Macleod 282; Sofi Mogensen 52t; Rachel Jordan 47t; Rebecca
Over 101t; Edwin Macadam 84; Ed Long (for Jean Barton) 504; Steve Welch 503;
Adrian Bolge 68b; Sheila Girling Macadam 189; Nick Hall 560; Tony Singleton 277;
Jacqui Selby-Macleod 143; Sofi Mogensen 276; Rachel Jordan 171; Rebecca Over
328; Edwin Macadam 466; Ed Long 306.
Steve Welch brought the class back together leading 40. Leaders: Adrian Bolge
228; Sheila Girling Macadam 142; Nick Hall 217; Tony Singleton 86; Jacqui
Selby-Macleod 70t; Sofi Mogensen 135; Rachel Jordan 300; Rebecca Over 464; Edwin
Macadam 183; Ed Long 501; Steve Welch 32t; Adrian Bolge 49b; Sheila Girling
Macadam 330b; Nick Hall 287.
Dilwyn Scott conducted the memorial lesson, reading Sir Henry Newbolt's poem
Vitai Lampada and led 268 in memory of Joyce Over (Camberley); Alan
Cooper (Seaford); Herb Bilinkoff (Florida, USA); Sharon Stratton (Alberta, Canada);
and Lisbeth Poulsen (Denmark).
Mary Welch, assisted by Ed Long, gave the lesson for the sick and housebound,
reading ‘I am Unsure’, by David Adam. We remembered: David Bullen (St Dogmaels),
Jean Barton (Witney), Gillian Ford (Reading), Mary Wray (London), Katherine
Atkinson (London), Jon Lusk (London), Jan Fairley (Edinburgh), Linty Davison
(London), Ian Murdo MacDonald (Inverness), and Jackie Patten (Morchard Bishop).
Steve Welch led 452 and David Chantler closed the memorial with prayer.
Leaders: Tony Singleton 457; Jacqui Selby-Macleod 131b; Sofi Mogensen 448t;
Rachel Jordan 538; Rebecca Over 378b. Mary Bolge offered thanks for the midday
The afternoon session commenced with Nick Hall leading 147t. Leaders: Ed Long
481; Edwin Macadam (with Thom Bonneville) 236; Steve Welch 49t; Elspeth Hannen
474; Adrian Bolge 370; Sheila Girling Macadam 480; Tony Singleton 99; Jacqui
Selby-Macleod 134; Sofi Mogensen 65; Rachel Jordan 269; Nick Hall 497; Rebecca
Over 532; Edwin Macadam 550; Ed Long 294; Steve Welch 186; Adrian Bolge 156;
Elspeth Hannen 299; Sheila Girling Macadam 168; Tony Singleton 148; Nick Hall
The class was reconvened for the final session with Jacqui Selby-Macleod
leading 82t. Leaders: Sofi Mogensen 274t; Rachel Jordan 192; Ed Long 66; Rebecca
Over 460; Steve Welch 473; Edwin Macadam 534; Elspeth Hannen 146; Adrian Bolge
72b; Sheila Girling
Macadam (with Thom Bonneville) 198; Tony Singleton 31t; Jacqui Selby-Macleod
270; Sofi Mogensen and John Taylor 209; Rebecca Over 542; Ed Long 410; Steve
Welch 155; Adrian and Matthew Bolge 31b; Elspeth Hannen 28t; Nick Hall 73b;
Rachel Jordan 566; Edwin Macadam 454.
Announcements were made and invitations
extended to other Sacred Harp singing events around the country. After expenses
had been met, the surplus from the day's donations would again be passed to the
Quakers for their use. Sheila Girling Macadam and Edwin Macadam led 347 and
David Chantler offered the closing prayer. The class was dismissed.
Chairman : Sheila Girling Macadam
Secretaries : Edwin Macadam and Sofi Mogensen
Pitchers : Rachel Jordan and Elspeth
Hannen; Arranging Committee : Nick Hall
Chaplain : Revd David Chantler.